I bought a table for table tennis as a Christmas present for my son, since the winter in this northern state was too cold and too long to exercise outside. I hoped that playing table tennis in basement can be a good winter exercise to my son. So I bought the assembling type table made in China with just $125. Cheep!!
Continue reading “Essay: Table for Table Tennis and Lean Six Sigma”Essay: Tweak Lean Six Sigma Framework
I wrote in the previous post that the Lean Six Sigma framework is like a Rock-Paper-Scissors because we need to select a right problem-solving framework in three types depending on the type of the problem. The three types of problem-solving frameworks are Lean, Six Sigma, and Design for Six Sigma (DFSS).
Continue reading “Essay: Tweak Lean Six Sigma Framework”Essay: Scientific Method
The scientific method is defined in Wikipedia like below:
Continue reading “Essay: Scientific Method”The scientific method is an empirical method of acquiring knowledge that has characterized the development of science since at least the 17th century. It involves careful observation, applying rigorous skepticism about what is observed, given that cognitive assumptions can distort how one interprets the observation. It involves formulating hypotheses, via induction, based on such observations; experimental and measurement-based testing of deductions drawn from the hypotheses; and refinement (or elimination) of the hypotheses based on the experimental findings.
Essay: Ask for Forgiveness, Not Permission
Even you find a good project or an interesting theme for research, not all your proposals will be accepted by your boss. Rather, many of your proposals will be rejected because of lack of budget or resources. I am used to be rejected of proposals, but sometimes I come to complain about it.
Continue reading “Essay: Ask for Forgiveness, Not Permission”Essay: Blending of two principles
Lean Six Sigma combined the two words of Lean and Six Sigma to one word. The Lean and the Six Sigma were originally different principles. The Lean principle came from TPS (Toyota Production System), the Six Sigma on the other hand came from the Quality Management System in Motorola. It’s no exaggeration to say that these two principles are completely different.
Continue reading “Essay: Blending of two principles”Essay: Why Lean Six Sigma?
If you search in Wikipedia about “Process Improvement methodology”, you could find over 1000 of different methodologies and techniques (a.k.a, tools). There could be a lot of tools as many as the number of scholars and researchers.
Continue reading “Essay: Why Lean Six Sigma?”Essay: Lean Six Sigma and Japan
When I visited Japan, I had an opportunity to talk with people who worked for a small manufacturing company. According to them, the small companies’ business in Japan were still in slump even though the macro economy showed prosperity.
Continue reading “Essay: Lean Six Sigma and Japan”