Book Review: Practical Lean Accounting

Mike Negami – my Lean Six Sigma friend – tweeted on the phone conversation that Toyota’s Kaizen can be applied to accounting system. His mutter made me remember a bad memory in past. The bad memory came from “Lean Accounting” class I taught in a training, and I referred to this book in the class. The feedback from students were no so good. I didn’t talked about my bad memory to Mike, but instead, I am going to write it in this book review.

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Essay: Table Tablet at Restaurant

I wrote about a table tablet at a sushi restaurant in Japan in the last blog post. Then I noticed that the number of table tablets in restaurants are increasing in U.S. As a customer, it is very convenient because I can do everything at the table from ordering to checking without any service done by a waiter or a waitress. I on the other hand miss the conversation with them.

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Case Study: Office Kaizen

The Kaizen is very popular in manufacturing, it is, however, still not so much in office. Unlike the manufacturing environment, seeing waste is pretty hard in the office environment because many wastes in the office are intangible. Although an education for Kaizen is necessary to see the wastes, the Kaizen training is uncommon in the office environment and many office employees cannot see their wastes effectively.

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