As a part of MSA (Measurement System Analysis), we analyze repeatability and reproducibility of a measurement system in a Lean Six Sigma project. It’s called Gage R&R. The Gage R&R can be categorized into two types – Continuous Gage R&R and Attribute Gage R&R.
Continue reading “Case Study: Attribute Agreement Analysis”Essay: Simulation and DOE for Business Process
It is very common to use a flowchart or a VSM (Value Stream Map) for visualizing a business process, an operation process, or a manufacturing process. Not only both flowchart and VSM are very good visualization tool, but the flowchart can easily explain a loop, a branch and a merge in the process, and the VSM can easily explain the cycle-time and the waiting-time in the process. Both flowchart and VSM can be used for the process improvement.
Continue reading “Essay: Simulation and DOE for Business Process”