Essay: Lean Six Sigma (DMAIC) Approach

I have recently worked with the engineers in QA (Quality and Assurance) team. They have been investigating the products returned from our customers because of a problem, and tried to find the root-causes of the problem. But the returned products have never shown the problem complained by the customers even with thorough tests. We call such returned products as NPF (No-problem found).

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Essay: V-Model and QFD

The V-Model framework is very common in product development to associate the documents between the product requirement document, the function requirement document, design specification, the test specification, etc. It is called the V-Model because these documents are connected in V shape. The V-Model has a good compatibility with QFD (Quality Function Deployment) so the V-Model and the QFD are used together in a DFSS project.

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Essay: Simulation and DOE for Business Process

It is very common to use a flowchart or a VSM (Value Stream Map) for visualizing a business process, an operation process, or a manufacturing process. Not only both flowchart and VSM are very good visualization tool, but the flowchart can easily explain a loop, a branch and a merge in the process, and the VSM can easily explain the cycle-time and the waiting-time in the process. Both flowchart and VSM can be used for the process improvement.

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